Hi Everyone, I have been very remiss at updating my blog these last few months. I guess winter just finally dragged me into its evil clutches. But the sun is back and like the peonies at this time I am sticking my head up out of the dirt and getting busy in the garden and posting to my blog again.
As I have been working this week a few questions have come up about what to prune and when.
Do prune your Rose Of Sharon in March/Early April in Michigan
Do prune your pee gee hydrangeas and your white hydrangeas in either late fall/early spring in MI
Do NOT prune your viburnum in late fall or early spring(Doh!!!)Do fertilize and add your amendments...come on people let's get out there and get to work!
O.k. with that said, here is a link to an article I wrote for Cool Garden Things blog:
Pruning Hydrangea TipsHappy spring!